Mom Life - The Style Bubble Handy tips handbook for The first 12 weeks

I can’t believe it’s been 12 weeks since Aria was born and wow has it been a rollercoaster!

I never read much prior to giving birth and still haven't (I blame my hectic life) but I really wanted to share my experience and handy tips to all the lovely ladies thinking about having a baby/ currently pregnant or dealing with a new born.

The night we went home:

After spending 5 days in hospital we were finally allowed home!
Proud parents running out the hospital door with our newborn.. I need to be honest - the first night is the scariest. Suddenly your at home. alone. No midwifes. No nurses. Just you, your partner and a newborn. 

My advice - Stay calm, its normal to feel scared or want to constantly watch your baby. Everyone does it. 

Being mom - being at home:

Once I was home I just wanted to be comfy (you will understand why once you've given birth!

Therefore before baby is here treat yourself to new loungewear.
I bought a few sets and I saved them for when I got home from the hospital.
It will make you feel a lot better with them being new AND you will have loads of visitors. You might want to look smart but stay comfy.

My advice - Head to places like Primark/ Matalan/ Sainsbury's/ Asda/ Marks and Spencer's - I found they all have a great range and stock up on a few sets. The night dresses you buy for hospital - BIN.

Other items I have found useful during this stage:

Trainers - once your out and about I suggest you buy some trainers to take long walks (baby will like the motion and the fresh air) Also I just find them east to throw on if I'm in a rush or Im popping to the supermarket.

Leggings - These have to be the most important item for me as they are just so comfy AND I haven't fitted into my pre-pregnancy jeans just yet.

You can pick up some cheap leggings to see you through until you start to return to your pre-pregnancy size.

My advice - buy them once baby is here so you know what size to get and its also an excuse to get out and about! 

Handy tips:

- Always take a glass of water with you to bed - not only should you drinking lots of water it also helps when you awake in the middle of the night. I find having a cold glass of water would help to "wake me up". At first the night feeds are a struggle but things like a glass of water will help you!

- Buy decaffeinated coffee/ tea - I have found I tend to drink a few during the day but it is phycological. So in the morning have a normal coffee/ tea but as the day progresses switch to decaf!

- Try not to spend too much time at home - Once you feel comfortable with being a new mum get out and about. Make a point of getting up/ getting ready and get out. It will build your confidence and help you. At this time you might feel lonely or emotional so ensure you pop some makeup on and head to the shops/ see friends/ go for a walk.

Do not forget about YOU:

When I returned from hospital I received a surprise package from the lovely people at Roccabox!
Im not going to lie it literally felt like the best feeling in the world to open a little package of goodies just for me.

My advice - I highly recommend getting a subscription box like Roccabox to have a monthly gift of goodies. The products change and it gives you something to look forward to!

How can you have "Me time"?

BATHS! they are my ultimate - I loved them during pregnancy and still love them now.

A warm bath after baby is born is great for the healing process but is always a great way to unwind and relax. 

Luckily I was bought Rituals for Mama - the range is perfect to help you unwind/ relax and I have loved every bath since!

My advice - First 6 - 8 weeks just have warm baths for around 20 minutes. After 6 - 8 weeks - Dependant on stitches have a slightly hotter bath and add a product like Rituals.

Handy Tips:

- Ensure you plan some coffee dates with friends - its great to have something to look forward to and its good to talk!

- Mummy baby time - The whole situation is a rollercoaster, you will have ups and downs but remember you are a new mum.. you are doing a great job and nothing feels better than showering your newborn with lots of love.

- If your not ok its ok to express this - I have adapted a new approach! We all try to say we are ok when we are not BUT when you have a baby its not just about you, so if you don't feel happy tell someone. See what you can do with the help of others to keep you on track.

You will face lack of sleep, you will have moments of struggle BUT it is all worth it and with time you will understand your baby more.

I have found the first 12 weeks stressful/ tiring and also magical and rewarding.
My emotions have been all over the place but the one emotion that has taken over me is my unconditional love for my daughter.

I hope you have found this useful if you are soon to become a mom or you are already a new mom!

If you have any feedback/ handy tips or enjoyed this post please let me know.




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